OTT Indian Music

Top 10 Emotional Movies to Watch on OTT Platforms

Life tosses a great deal at us, and in some cases we simply need a decent cry. Whether you’re

Top 10 Emotional Movies to Watch on OTT Platforms

Life tosses a great deal at us, and in some cases we simply need a decent cry. Whether you’re looking for a therapeutic delivery, an endearing story, or a provocative investigation of human feelings, there’s a close to home film out there hanging tight for you. Here is an organized rundown of 10 such movies accessible on different OTT (Beyond ludicrous) stages for you to investigate:


  1. Schindler’s List (1993): This verifiable show by Steven Spielberg is a strong demonstration of the mental fortitude and versatility of the human soul during the Holocaust.
  • Oskar Schindler’s Transformation: At first depicted as an entrepreneurial financial specialist looking for individual increase during the Nazi control of Poland, Schindler steadily witnesses the revolutions of the Holocaust and goes through an ethical awakening.
  • A Beacon of Hope in Dark Times: The film features Schindler’s boldness and cleverness as he takes advantage of his associations and creativity to make a processing plant that turns into a safe house for Jewish laborers, eventually saving them from death camps.
  • The Power of One Man: Schindler’s Rundown underlines the effect a solitary individual can have despite gigantic fiendishness. It’s a demonstration of the force of humankind and the significance of defending common decency.
  • A Haunting Black and White Palette: The film is prevalently shot clearly, uplifting the unmistakable real factors of the Holocaust and making an immortal, practically narrative-like feel.


2. The Shawshank Redemption (1994): Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins convey notorious exhibitions in this story of trust and fellowship that blooms inside the limits of a jail. (Accessible on: Netflix, Hulu).

  • Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins): A fruitful broker wrongly indicted for killing his better half. In spite of the brutal real factors of jail life, Andy never loses any expectation of opportunity.
  • Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman): A carefully prepared detainee and storyteller of the story. Red becomes a close acquaintence with Andy and witnesses his surprising excursion.
  • A Silent Voice (2016): This Japanese breathed life into film handles subjects of torturing, exonerating, and recuperation with stunning visuals and a reaching story.(Accessible on: Netflix)
  • A Past of Bullying:In his grade school days, Shoya Ishida persistently menaces Shoko Nishimiya, another understudy who is hard of hearing. In any case, the tables turn when Shoko moves to another school, leaving Shoya shunned by his colleagues.
  • Years of Regret:Presently a young person, Shoya is loaded up with regret for his past activities. He feels secluded and examines taking his life.
  • Seeking Redemption:Not set in stone to offer to set things straight, Shoya searches out Shoko and endeavors to reconnect with her.
  • Challenges of Communication: The film depicts the hardships of correspondence between the meeting and hard of hearing networks. Shoya wrestles with how to apologize and grasp Shoko’s point of view.

3. A Silent Voice (2016): This Japanese spiced up film handles subjects of torturing, exculpating, and recuperation with stunning visuals and a reaching story. (Accessible on: Netflix)

  • A Past of Bullying:In his grade school days, Shoya Ishida persistently menaces Shoko Nishimiya, another understudy who is hard of hearing. In any case, the tables turn when Shoko moves to another school, leaving Shoya shunned by his colleagues.
  • Years of Regret:Presently a young person, Shoya is loaded up with regret for his past activities. He feels secluded and examines taking his life.
  • Seeking Redemption:Not set in stone to offer to set things straight, Shoya searches out Shoko and endeavors to reconnect with her.
  • Challenges of Communication: The film depicts the hardships of correspondence between the meeting and hard of hearing networks. Shoya wrestles with how to apologize and grasp Shoko’s point of view.


4. Marriage Story (2019): Noah Baumbach’s piercing show digs into the intricacies of separation and the aggravation of an affection going to pieces. Heavenly exhibitions by Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver lift the film. (Accessible on: Netflix)

  • Love Lost in Translation: Charlie, an enthusiastic theater chief (Driver), and Nicole, a previous entertainer (Johansson), are a couple tapping out. Their underlying craving for a cordial detachment disintegrates as legal counselors (Laura Dern, Beam Liotta) enter the image.
  • Two Sides to Every Story: Experience the story from both Charlie and Nicole’s viewpoints, uncovering their singular hurt, wants, and the purposes for the partition.
  • Divorce’s Toll: Witness the inward difficulty of investigating care plans, battles in court, and the outright wreck of loosening up a day to day presence created together.
  • Honest and Unflinching: Marriage Story doesn’t avoid depicting the outrage, disdain, and weakness that accompany separation.
  • Powerhouse Performances: Both Johansson and Driver convey enthralling exhibitions that grandstand their characters’ close to home profundity.


5. Itonomichi (2013):Get ready to be inspired by this endearing Japanese show about a gathering of secondary school understudies who structure a breeze instrument club despite everything. (Accessible on: Netflix)

  • Underdogs Taking Center Stage: The film follows a group of misfit high school students in a struggling rural town. They find solace and purpose in forming a wind instrument club against all odds.
  • A Passion for Music: Despite limited resources and lack of experience, the students dedicate themselves to learning their instruments and preparing for a national competition.
  • Unwavering Support: Witness the heartwarming bond between the students, their dedicated teacher, and the townspeople who rally behind them.
  • Music as a Unifying Force: Itonomichi exhibits the force of music to unite individuals, defeat difficulties, and track down euphoria chasing a fantasy.


6. Coco (2017): Pixar’s energetic energized film praises family, music, and the force of recollections. Get ready for a beautiful exploration of life and death wrapped in a delightful musical package. (Available on: Disney+).

  • Underdogs Taking Center Stage: The film follows a group of misfit high school students in a struggling rural town. They find solace and purpose in forming a wind instrument club against all odds.
  • A Passion for Music: Regardless of restricted assets and absence of involvement, the understudies devote themselves to learning their instruments and planning for a public rivalry.
  • Unwavering Support: Witness the heartwarming bond between the students, their dedicated teacher, and the townspeople who rally behind them.

7. Lion (2016): In light of a genuine story, Lion narrates a young fellow’s immovable assurance to track down his family subsequent to being isolated from them as a kid. Plan for a roller coaster of feelings as he leaves on an extraordinary excursion. (Available on: Netflix)

  • A Heartbreaking Separation:  Five-year-old Saroo gets isolated from his family on a train venture in India and winds up a great many miles away in a new city.
  • A New Life in Australia: Embraced by a caring couple in Australia, Saroo grows up with an agreeable life, however a biting feeling of misfortune and a solitary cherished memory continually help him to remember his organic family.
  • Armed with Technology and Hope: Years after the fact, energized by the ascent of Google Earth and a part of a memory, Saroo sets out on an apparently unimaginable journey to track down his home and family in India.
  • Facing the Unknown: The film investigates Saroo’s close to home excursion as he wrestles with his past, explores social contrasts, and stands up to the chance of not tracking down his friends and family.


8. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009): This endearing film in view of a genuine story will make your day. Witness the steady reliability and love of a canine named Hachi as he sits tight for his proprietor’s return consistently at the train station. (Available on: Hulu)

  • A Special Bond: Professor Parker Wilson adopts an abandoned Akita puppy named Hachi. Their bond deepens as Hachi becomes Parker’s loyal companion.
  • The Train Station Ritual: Every day, Hachi faithfully accompanies Parker to the train station and greets him upon his return.
  • A Devastating Change: Tragedy strikes when Parker unexpectedly dies at work. Hachi, ignorant, proceeds with his day to day custom, sitting tight for his dearest proprietor’s return at the train station.
  • Years of Unwavering Devotion: Witness Hachi’s immovable faithfulness as he hangs tight for Parker for a large number of days, many years, contacting the hearts of everybody around him.


9. The Farewell (2019): This strong dramedy investigates subjects of family, social assumptions, and confronting mortality. Awkwafina conveys a strong presentation exploring a tough spot. (Available on: Hulu).

  • Clash of Cultures: Billi battles to accommodate her American upsides of trustworthiness with the Chinese practice of safeguarding friends and family from cruel real factors.
  • Family Bonds and Sacrifice: Witness the relentless love and backing inside the family as they focus on Nai’s prosperity, regardless of whether it implies a double dealing.
  • Laughter Through Tears: Regardless of the tough spot, the film infuses humor through snapshots of relational intricacies and social conflicts.
  • Awkwafina’s Stellar Performance: Awkwafina conveys a strong exhibition depicting Billi’s inner turmoil and close to home excursion as she wrestles with the family’s choice.


10. Cinema Paradiso (1988): This Italian example praises the sorcery of film and the force of narrating. Witness the inspiring connection between a little fellow and a projectionist who becomes a mentor.

  • A Look Back: The movie unfurls as a flashback, following Salvatore, an eminent chief, as he gets back to his Sicilian old neighborhood subsequent to catching wind of the passing of Alfredo, the projectionist at the nearby film called Film Paradiso.
  • A Love Affair with Cinema: Witness youthful Salvatore’s interest with motion pictures and his nearby bond with Alfredo, who becomes a mentor and tutor, acquainting him with the marvels of film.
  • Growing Up and Moving On: The film investigates Salvatore’s excursion from an inquisitive youngster to an energetic producer, catching the mixed encounters of growing up and leaving his modest community.


The overflow of close to home motion pictures accessible on OTT stages offers crowds a different exhibit of stories that touch the heart and mix the spirit.


From stories of adoration and strength to accounts of misfortune and recovery, these realistic magnum opuses have the influence to summon many feelings and leave an enduring effect on watchers.

Whether you’re in the mood for a heartwarming drama, a thought-provoking biopic, or a poignant romance, the top 10 emotional films featured here vow to convey an extraordinary true to life experience. Thus, get your popcorn, get comfortable, and plan to be moved by the charming narrating and strong exhibitions that look for you on your #1 OTT stage.

About Author

Praveen rastogi

I am a passionate blogger and my words breathe life into the digital realm. With a flair for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, I navigates the diverse landscape of topics, weaving narratives that captivate readers and spark meaningful conversations.

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